Friday, March 28, 2008

Furry Friends Fund

Not sure how many of you have heard of our "Furry Friends Fund" campaign yet. Anyway, let us share more with you because it's all worth the cause!

Never mind that you're not 18 yet. As long as you're keen to help the animals raise funds this way, we're sure mommy and daddy would be there to help you out.

The flyer attached will tell you everything you need to know about FFF, but let us just share some points why our animals need this money.

So that we can...
- continue to rescue sick, injured and very young animals 24 hours a day
- find new loving homes for more animals
- sterilise strays so they enjoy better quality lives
- have more resources to educate your friends about animal welfare
- investigate on cruelty complaints

How does FFF work?
- Encourage mom/dad/friend above 18 to join in campaign
- Pick up a tin at SPCA reception
- Bring tin home
- Start dropping in money for the animals!
- Return before 10th June back at the SPCA

So, if you feel called to help by taking a FFF tin, we hope you'll enjoy this experience!

If you have more queries, feel free to call the SPCA at 6287 5355.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Hi ! I've been to the SPCA on Wednesday,12 March 2008. There were many dogs and cats there.Even some rabbits.The person in-charge of the visit was Miss Chong.She brought the group (including me)to the adoption area.At first,when i entered,it was so smelly but after awhile,it was ok.The first dog Miss Chong brought me to was a big dog....(I forgot the name)I was a little shocked but i still went in the cage to see it.At that time,it was actually the dogs eating time, so we went to see the cats.There were many of them but i only liked one...(Forgot the name)We did many things there but there are too many to go to the SPCA to find out how was it like there......

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Welcome to Singapore SPCA Online

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Rainforest Animals